Ward van Pelt
Associate professor

New publication

Have a look at our recent study on ice thickness inversion in Scandinavia!


Pictures of our annual field campaigns to Svalbard can be found here.

Curriculum Vitae

Name: Ward van Pelt
Email: ward.van.pelt [at] geo.uu.se
Since 2021 Associate professor :: Uppsala University, Sweden
2017-2021 Researcher :: Uppsala University, Sweden
2015-2016 Postdoctoral researcher :: Uppsala University, Sweden
2014 Research assistant :: Norwegian Polar Institute, Norway
2009-2014 Ph.D. in Glaciology :: Utrecht University, The Netherlands :: Thesis: "Modelling the dynamics and boundary processes of Svalbard glaciers" Link acrobat logo
2006-2009 M.Sc. (cum laude) in Meteorology, Physical Oceanography and Climate :: Utrecht University, The Netherlands :: Thesis: "Modeling the mass balance of the Morteratsch glacier, Switzerland" Link acrobat logo
2003-2006 B.Sc. in Physics and Astronomy :: Utrecht University, The Netherlands
Since 2020 Chair of the IASC Network on Arctic Glaciology
Since 2020 IGS national correspondent for Sweden
2019-2020 Vice-chair of the IASC Network on Arctic Glaciology
Since 2018 Scientific editor for Polar Research
2021-2024 Swedish Research Council - Starting grant :: "Global glacier thickness and volume estimation", main applicant, 3.8 MSEK
2019-2023 Swedish National Space Agency - Career position grant :: "Glacier ice thickness estimation using satellite data", main applicant, 3.6 MSEK, link
2018-2022 Swedish National Space Agency - PhD position grant :: "Retrieval of snow properties from SAR"; co-applicant, 3.8 MSEK, link
2017-2021 VINNOVA - Sustainable development grant :: "A snow quality assessment tool based on new techniques and Sámi knowledge (Snow4all)", co-applicant, 2.9 MSEK, link
Since 2022 GIS and Geodesy (1GE301)
:: Uppsala University, course responsible
Introduction to Geodetic Measurement Techniques (1GE302)
:: Uppsala University, course responsible
2020 GIS and Remote Sensing (1GE100)
:: Uppsala University, co-teacher
Since 2019 Runoff (1TV443)
:: Uppsala University, co-teacher
2019-2020 Snow and Ice Processes (AGF-212)
:: University Centre in Svalbard (UNIS), co-teacher
2019-2022 Geomorphology and Earth Surface Processes (1GE042)
:: Uppsala University, co-teacher
Since 2019 Runoff (1TV443)
:: Uppsala University, co-teacher
Since 2018 Field Methods in Earth Science (1GE043)
:: Uppsala University, co-teacher
Since 2017 Statistics and Data Analysis Methods (1HY013)
:: Uppsala University, lab assistant
Snow Physics and Hydrology (1GE056)
:: Uppsala University, lab assistant
Research Trends in Physical Geography and Hydrology (1HY045)
:: Uppsala University, co-teacher
Meteorology, Hydrology and Environmental Measurement Techniques (1TV015)
:: Uppsala University, co-teacher
Landscape Development (1GE143)
:: Uppsala University, co-teacher
Since 2016 Glaciology and Landscape Processes (1GE040)
:: Uppsala University, co-teacher
2017-2019 Remote Sensing with Meteorological Applications (1ME410)
:: Uppsala University, co-teacher
2014 Ice and Climate summer school (Karthaus, Italy)
:: invited lecturer
2010-2013 Ice & Climate
:: Utrecht University, lab assistant
Since 2011 Field campaigns to Nordenskiöldbreen, Svalbard (~10 days per year). Activities: AWS servicing, installing GPSs, stake measurements, snow profiling and radar measurements.
2014 Field campaign to Kongsfjorden, Svalbard (4 weeks). Field activities: stake measurements, radar measurements and snow profiling.
Conference abstracts (first-author)
2023 IASC NAG meeting - Obergurgl, Austria
2022 IGS Nordic Branch meeting - Uppsala, Sweden
2020 IGS Nordic Branch meeting - online
SIOS EO/RS/GI conference - online
IASC NAG meeting - Obergurgl, Austria
2019 Svalbard Science Conference - Oslo, Norway
Svalbard Snow Network workshop - Warszawa, Poland
IASC NAG meeting - Geilo, Norway
2018 IGS Nordic Branch meeting - Rovaniemi, Finland
2017 Svalbard Science Conference - Oslo, Norway
IGS Nordic Branch meeting - Uppsala, Sweden
Melt water retention workshop - Copenhagen, Denmark
2016 NÅGLAMB workshop - Oslo, Norway
IGS Nordic Branch meeting - Tromsø, Norway
Melt water retention workshop - Copenhagen, Denmark
TIGRIF meeting - Tromsø, Norway
IASC NAG meeting - Benasque, Spain
2015 IGS Nordic Branch meeting - Copenhagen, Denmark
2014 Scientific Advisory Board meeting - Oslo, Norway
IGS Nordic Branch meeting - Reykjavik, Iceland
SVALI annual meeting - Reykjavik, Iceland
Calving and Surging workshop - Utrecht, Netherlands
2013 IGS Nordic Branch meeting - Lammi, Finland
2012 BBOS Autumn symposium - Nijmegen, the Netherlands
IGS symposium Alaska - Fairbanks, USA
PISM workshop - Hamburg, Germany
2011 AGU Fall meeting - San Francisco, USA
IGS Nordic Branch meeting - Oslo, Norway
2010 BBOS Autumn symposium - Callantsoog, Netherlands
IASC NAG meeting - Obergurgl, Austria